Yes, it's hard to believe, but we assure you there were no special effects used to create this image. Here's beloved action movie star Jackie Chan once again doing his own stunts -- the most embarrassing one he's ever done. Believe it or not, he says these are hard to sell in China.
Josh T: "Police Story 5: Loser Cop"
Paul: "In his next film, Jackie Chan will pose exactly zero threat to anyone at all."
Ryan: "This, Jackie Chan, is your punishment for 'The Tuxedo.'"
Chris: "Jackie Chan avoids Rush Hour 4 thanks to his trusty Segway."
Josh F: "Legend of Drunken Decisions"
Thomas: "Enter the Dragon, exit the nerd"
Jackie Chan: "Don't try to be like Jackie. There is only one Jackie. Study computers instead." (Seriously, he said that!
source: engadget
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